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Some of the past group therapy workshop themes have been:

“Self Compassion”

Saturday, November 10, 2018
9:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Space is limited to 6 participants
Self Investment $285
Workshop leader, Certified Radix Teacher Ellen Brazer, MS, LMHC

When we have not yet embraced every part of who we are and how we feel, we cannot be in full acceptance. Do you find yourself treating yourself with judgment, shaming and blaming yourself for having feelings, or for not being perfect or good enough? Do you find yourself running dysfunctional mind and fear programs that are old and out dated? Are you winning the award at terrifying yourself and keeping your ‘what if’s’ alive and vibrant? The time is now to be free of all that! Learning to live from a place of self compassion, choice and not reaction, is a much more loving option!!

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel unloving, unkind, disempowered, held back, contracted by the energy of fear. It will provide a safe place to face yourself, let go, and move into… freedom and loving compassion for yourself and others. Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself; attuning to your personal power, opening your heart to yourself, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

The workshop will include:

  • Body focused exercises for loosening and freeing the body
  • Individual, group and partner interactions for emotional awareness, learning and release
  • Purpose work for letting go of mind-body patterns and to integrate new understanding

Join us for a day of inner healing, joy, fun, laughter, spontaneity, safe touch, and freedom of expression in a safe, supportive small group atmosphere. Take a few simple, yet powerful, steps toward embracing every part of who you are. Space is limited to 6 participants only, so please register early.

“Self Compassion”

Saturday, July 14, 2018
9:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Space is limited to 6 participants
Self Investment $285
Workshop leader, Certified Radix Teacher Ellen Brazer, MS, LMHC

When we have not yet embraced every part of who we are and how we feel, we cannot be in full acceptance. Do you find yourself treating yourself with judgment, shaming and blaming yourself for having feelings, or for not being perfect or good enough? Do you find yourself running dysfunctional mind and fear programs that are old and out dated? Are you winning the award at terrifying yourself and keeping your ‘what if’s’ alive and vibrant? The time is now to be free of all that! Learning to live from a place of self compassion, choice and not reaction, is a much more loving option!!

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel unloving, unkind, disempowered, held back, contracted by the energy of fear. It will provide a safe place to face yourself, let go, and move into… freedom and loving compassion for yourself and others. Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself; attuning to your personal power, opening your heart to yourself, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

The workshop will include:

  • Body focused exercises for loosening and freeing the body
  • Individual, group and partner interactions for emotional awareness, learning and release
  • Purpose work for letting go of mind-body patterns and to integrate new understanding

Join us for a day of inner healing, joy, fun, laughter, spontaneity, safe touch, and freedom of expression in a safe, supportive small group atmosphere. Take a few simple, yet powerful, steps toward embracing every part of who you are. Space is limited to 6 participants only, so please register early.

“From Fear To Freedom”

Saturday, February 17, 2018
9:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Space is limited to 6 participants
Self Investment $275
Workshop leader, Certified Radix Teacher Ellen Brazer, MS, LMHC

When we are living in old fear programs, we are not free. Do you find yourself holding yourself back from living fully? Avoiding relationships, opportunities to expand, and moving forward? Protecting your heart? Running dysfunctional mind programs that are old and out dated? Are you winning the award at terrifying yourself and keeping yourself alone, anxious, or in perpetual people pleasing without healthy boundaries that work for you? The time is now to be free of all that! Learning to live from a place of trust and faith is another, more loving option!!

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted by the energy of fear, and to face it, let go, and move through it…. into freedom. Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself; attuning to your personal power, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

The workshop will include:

  • Body focused exercises for loosening and freeing the body
  • Individual, group and partner interactions for emotional awareness, learning and release
  • Purpose work for letting go of mind-body patterns and to integrate new understanding

Join us for a day of inner healing, joy, fun, laughter, spontaneity, safe touch, and freedom of expression in a safe, supportive small group atmosphere. Take a few simple, yet powerful, steps toward embracing every part of who you are. Space is limited to 6 participants only, so please register early.

“Soaring Into Self Acceptance”

Saturday, September 16, 2017
9:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Space is limited to 6 participants
Self Investment $275
Workshop leader, Certified Radix Teacher Ellen Brazer, MS, LMHC

Declare your space for a day of learning to accept, nurture and nourish every place you’ve been in your life’s journey, where you are now, and who you’re yet to become. For it is only when we allow ourselves the gift of loving every aspect of who we are, that we can be whole and manifest our true desires.

This one day intensive experiential workshop will assist in opening you to a new level of embracing your true self to the fullest. You will learn more about what might be preventing you from valuing all that you are, forgiving yourself of the past, and show up for your life in the most loving way.

This is your time to make more room for joy, touch, your breath, and the gift of self- acceptance.

The workshop will include:

  • Body focused exercises for loosening and freeing the body
  • Individual, group and partner interactions for emotional awareness, learning and release
  • Purpose work for letting go of mind-body patterns and to integrate new understanding

Join us for a day of inner healing, joy, fun, laughter, spontaneity, safe touch, and freedom of expression in a safe, supportive small group atmosphere. Take a few simple, yet powerful, steps toward embracing every part of who you are. Space is limited to 6 participants only, so please register early.

“Self Expression”

Our feelings and needs- all the woundings and pain, fear, desire, all the vulnerability that we hide away for the sake of self preservation- are the pathways into our divine blueprint. We do not get into divinity by dismissing our humanity. But instead, by embracing it, and allowing it to be seen and heard for our greatest good.

It is critical that we make peace with the places in our lives that we are still holding shame, so we can be free and present for our lives.

Are you still holding things against yourself, telling yourself you are worthless, not good enough, or not loveable?

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted.

Ready to spread your beautiful wings, and fly freely with the eagles and the condor?

Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself from old held shame; attuning to your personal power, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

Healing Shame

When we are hiding parts of ourselves, we are doing a great disservice to ourselves, and everyone around us. Playing small, insignificant, and ashamed of anything about ourselves is not serving to our highest good. It is imperative for all of us to claim our freedom to be who we are, and show up for our lives in big ways at this time, so we can invite others to do the same by example.

It is critical that we make peace with the places in our lives that we are still holding shame, so we can be free and present for our lives.

Are you still holding things against yourself, telling yourself you are worthless, not good enough, or not loveable?

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted.

Ready to spread your beautiful wings, and fly freely with the eagles and the condor?

Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself from old held shame; attuning to your personal power, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

Freeing Yourself

When we are not free and accepting, we are doing a great disservice to ourselves, and everyone around us. Being stuck in self consciousness, playing small and insignificant, is never serving to our highest good. It is imperative for all of us to claim our freedom to be who we are, and show up for our lives in big ways at this time, so we can invite others to do the same by example.

We are not free when we are unloving to ourselves and others, when we are still nursing old wounds, feel jealous, unforgiving, and allow our “monkey minds” to control our lives.

Messengers like depression, anxiety, fear, pain, and addictions, are often parts of ourselves that are calling out to be freed.

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted.

Ready to spread your beautiful wings, and fly freely with the eagles and the condor?

Join us for a day of inner healing, joy, fun, laughter, spontaneity, safe touch, and freedom of expression in a safe, supportive small group atmosphere. Take a few simple, yet powerful, steps toward making space for the love and life you’ve longed for.

Giving and Receiving Love

Declare your space for a day of cleansing; emotionally eliminating the toxic energies keeping you from being fully alive and loving towards yourself and others. The workshop helps you identify the ways you stop yourself from accepting the positive and rich aspects of life you deserve, instead of attracting the very things you do not want.

This one day intensive experiential workshop will assist you in bringing yourself to a new level of opening to your own inner compassion, and honoring and being yourself in new and creative ways. When we really claim who we are and the bodies we live in, we can fully be ourselves, and ….

Be Big, Important, and Fabulous, even Sensuous!! This is your time to make more room for joy, touch, your breath, the moment, and love,… and for longer periods of time. When we celebrate and nourish ourselves, our whole universe prospers!!

Grounded in Gratitude and Healthy Boundaries

Learning how to have healthy boundaries and to be grounded in gratitude can enable us to feel more deeply, respond more appropriately, feel more alive, and be more loving to ourselves and others.

This one-day experiential workshop is for re-awakening a deep connection to body, heart and soul.

Through individual, partner and group processes we will explore ways to experience a flexible and real boundary that allows us to be true to ourselves, while staying connected and present with others. We will also explore our issues regarding feeling tethered to mother earth, supported, and gracious.

Releasing Fear

It is not enough to say no to a life of fear, it is important to say yes to a life of love. Are you avoiding relationships, opportunities to expand, and moving forward? Are you perpetually protecting your heart? Running dysfunctional mind programs that are old and out dated? Are you winning the award at terrifying yourself and keeping yourself alone, lonely, depressed, anxious, and scared? The time is now to be free of all that! Learning to live from a place of trust and faith is another option.

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted by the energy of fear, and to face it, let go, and move through it. Join us for a transformational and spiritual day of freeing yourself; attuning to your personal power, being who you are, and letting your light shine brightly!

This is your time to make more room for joy, touch, your breath, the moment, and love,….and for longer periods of time. When we celebrate and nourish ourselves, our whole universe prospers!!

This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted.

Are you ready to spread your beautiful wings and fly freely with the eagles and the condor?

  • “Becoming Yourself”
    When we are not free, we are doing a great disservice to ourselves, and everyone around us. Playing small and insignificant is never serving your highest good. It is imperative for all of us to claim our freedom to be who we are, and show up for our lives in big ways at this time, so we can invite others to do the same by example. We are not free or at peace when we judge, and are unloving to ourselves and others. When we are still nursing old wounds; when we feel jealous, or stuck in lives that make us angry, resentful, and unloved. Messengers like depression, anxiety, fear, pain, and addictions, are often parts of ourselves that are calling out to be freed. This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to take a most serious and powerful look at the places in your life where you feel stuck, disempowered, held back, contracted. Are you ready to spread your beautiful wings and fly freely with the eagles and the condor?
  • Men in Transition
    At this time, we stand on the threshold of great change, as we embrace old wounds and transform them into the gifts they are; learning new ways of being in our bodies, our relationships, and our lives. Men are being asked to examine their relationships with themselves, as fathers, teachers, friends, brothers, sons, and spiritual beings on our changing planet. They are being asked to explore old cycles and patterns of their past and choose what messages and models they wish to embrace and pass forward to help all men evolve more deeply and authentically. This experiential workshop will provide a safe space for you to expand your breath, stretch your self, take chances, let go of shame and outdated agendas. It will help you to feel your goodness, enoughness, laugh loudly, play, and feel alive in your heart. There will be opportunities to explore safe touch, reclaim your voice, get real, create healthy intimacy with other men, feel less alone, and let go of ego and control. Join us for a day of illuminating and renewing your mind, body, and spirit; opening to your true essence as the man you are, and the man you are yet to be.
  • Getting Present
    Declare your space for a day of honoring the “power of now.” For it is only in each moment that the gifts of love, laughter, nature’s preciousness, loving smiles, expressed feelings, and the magic of mother earth’s blessings lie. This one day intensive experiential workshop will assist in opening you to a new level of making each moment count to it’s fullest. You will learn more about what might be preventing you from valuing the possibilities that are in the power of now, and how to show up for your life. This is your time to make more room for joy, touch, your breath, and the gift of the present moment.
  • Dare To Be Yourself
    This full day experiential will provide a rich experience to see yourself and where you are with the energy of embracing your uniqueness. It will help you to awaken to life, love and your own special gifts that are yours to give to the world. It will help you to explore and face any blocks that hold you back. Are you ready to accept yourself and your Divine spirit? Dare to live now. Dare to be present and let go of the past. Dare to practice the incredible power of forgiveness with yourself and others. Dare to be happy, alive, beautiful, loved, and already complete. Dare to give yourself the day…. to laugh, heal, dance, surrender, and be divinely who you are. Join us in our sacred, safe supportive space that encourages your light to shine brightly.
  • OUTside the Box….A Workshop on Freedom and Expansion
    When we hold onto old patterns, programs, and ways of doing things, we limit ourselves and our choices, and feel afraid and stuck. At this time, we stand on the threshold of great change, as we embrace transformation into new ways of being in our bodies, our relationships, and our lives. This experiential workshop will provide a rich opportunity for you to embody expansion, change, and living your life from inner and higher attunement. When we expand out of our comfort zones with safety and support, we can begin to feel more alive and free. You will have some empowering experiences during this day of letting go, and reclaiming yourself with new and expanded trust. Join us for a day of illumination. A day of renewing your mind, body, and spirit; opening to your personal power, being authentically who you are, and living fully with divine consciousness.
  • Grounding and Healthy Boundaries
    Learning how to have healthy boundaries can enable us to feel more deeply and respond more appropriately, even compassionately to stressful situations without losing our own sense of self. This one-day experiential workshop is for re-awakening a deep connection to body, heart and soul. Through individual, partner and group processes we will explore ways to experience a flexible and real boundary that allows us to be true to ourselves while staying connected and present with others.
  • Breaking Patterns
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring and changing the patterns in your life that keep you stuck.
  • Mastering Joy
    This full day experiential workshop is about learning the mastery of allowing, opening to, and receiving more Joy in your life in more expanded way.
  • Clearing The Pathways for Sacred Relationships
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring the blocks to manifesting healthy and spiritual relationships.
  • Holding on, Letting Go
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring areas of control, and learning more about the energy of surrender.
  • Transforming Your Story
    This full day experiential workshop is about change. It will help you transcend your past into strength and rich gifts for the present.
  • Giving and Receiving Love
    This full day experiential workshop is about opening to the power of love in your life with more acceptance and trust.
  • Making It So
    This full day experiential workshop is about learning how to consciously create the life you want one day at a time.
  • Circle of Trust
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring issues of trust, and transforming fears into faith.
  • Creating True Prosperity
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring blocks to abundance and learning to attract more of what you want into your life.
  • Soaring Into Self-Acceptance
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring the places in your life where you may be holding resentments or “cases” against yourself that have yet not been resolved or finished. It is a rich opportunity to accept your past and move into the present with love.
  • Unconditional Love
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring unconscious blocks to loving freely. We will be learning to love from a higher place, the way we all were wanting to be loved as children, without conditions.
  • Love Lessons
    This full day experiential workshop is about learning to use all our experiences as opportunities to master love, giving it, receiving it, allowing it, bathing in it each and every day of our lives.
  • Taking Charge of Your Life
    This full day experiential workshop is about learning to claim your life and empower yourself to have the life you desire, and how you might be holding yourself back from that.
  • Disease To Please
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring the places in your life where you might be looking for love and approval outside yourself, and ways to change those self defeating patterns.
  • Enjoying The Journey
    This full day experiential workshop is about receiving and accepting all the lessons on your life’s path, and growing and learning from them.
  • Letting Love In
    This full day experiential workshop is about mastering the art of allowing the energy of love into your life without limitations, freely and abundantly. That is rich!
  • Workshop For Couples
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring and deepening your intimacy with your beloved sacred partner.
  • Fitting In, Standing Out
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring how and where you fit in, and where you are unique and different in the world. In this day about acceptance and letting go, you can learn to let yourself be who we are without fear or judgment.
  • Shaking Off, Stepping Up
    This full day experiential workshop is about learning how to take the lessons that present themselves to us without becoming a victim of anything or anyone, and using them to empower us to grow even stronger and more deeply as individuals.
  • Grounding and Healthy Boundaries
    This full day experiential workshop is about understanding your connection with safety and support from the universe. You will also learn about and explore your relationship with appropriate “limit and boundary setting” that will change your life.
  • The Gift Is The Present
    This full day experiential workshop is about “being here now”; not missing out on any of the precious moments of your life by being stuck in the past, future, or in fear. It is a true practice and a mastery that you can achieve.
  • Connecting With Your Inner Guidance
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring your relationship with your instincts; the higher part of yourself that we often discount. You will learn ways to begin to tune into, recognize, and trust the voice of your inner wisdom, and begin a new practice of listening inside.
  • Keeping The Balance
    This full day experiential workshop is about how and where in your life you might be feeling unbalanced, and making conscious decisions that are more self loving.
  • Weeding The Garden Of The Mind
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring your old outdated programs that continue to play, even if they are no longer working for your life. You will begin to revise, download, and install different, more loving programs that can work better for you as you begin your metamorphosis into your new and more conscious lifestyle.
  • Dare To Be Yourself
    This full day experiential workshop is about exploring the places where you might be limiting or holding yourself back from being your true authentic self. It is day to learn about your own freedom and liberation.

If you have any questions about group therapy workshops,contact Ellen Brazer, MS, LMHC today.