Because you can!
Contrary to popular belief, there is strength in not having to do it all yourself. Receiving help ,support and guidance is something to be valued, and not judged. It is important that we all allow ourselves to accept the help that is available for us in the universe. Reaching out is self loving.
Learning to be open to receiving is a Mastery. We don’t any longer have to buy into outdated beliefs that we are weak if we can’t do it all by ourselves! That is a fallacy! Let go and receive!
If Your Life is Running You?
Our lives very often become unmanageable. We find ourselves repeating old outdated patterns or programs that make us feel alone, stuck, anxious, isolated, overwhelmed.
If you need help creating a more manageable life, psychotherapy can help you establish clear and appropriate boundaries, and learn how to have the courage to say no when you want to without the guilt. It will help you to create a life with less “should’s” and “have to’s”, and one with more “want to’s”.
To Learn, Grow, Evolve, and Lead a Better Life.
It is important to know that you do not have to be in crisis to seek help. We all can use a little objective advice, support, guidance, and wisdom from someone that is unattached to the outcome and has no hidden agenda or expectation of you. Everyone on this planet has room to improve the way they operate in their lives emotionally and spiritually.
To Become a Better Parent, Partner, and Person in the World.
Psychotherapy is a tool to learn new and healthy skills to use in all your relationships. Being a conscious parent, partner, person in the world requires awareness, paying attention to the way you respond. If you operate from a place of reaction, you are unable to exercise choices in each situation.
If you feel Isolated, Alone, Sad?
If you are feeling alone, isolated, angry, sad, psychotherapy can help you. It is important to reach out and know you are not alone! Psychotherapy will help you to understand the roots of your feelings, get heard and seen, and to make the appropriate changes that are necessary to lead a happier life.
To Grow Spiritually.
Many of us are in our “doing” behavior, and live in our minds and in our heads and in our thinking. We, as a result, are not present and alive…..fully living our lives in each precious moment we are given. Holistic Psychotherapy will help you connect with yourself in a more divine, loving way, and show up in the world with more joy, peace, heart.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
There are times when we do not feel safe to share our feelings with the people we feel closest to, as we fear their response, judgment, shame, blame, criticism, or anger.
With a trained professional, you are safe to get honest and truthful without fear of being wrong, bad, or judged. You are free to be YOURSELF! Feeling you are in a safe place to let your guard down is a true relief!
To Have a Professional as an Objective Listener.
There are times when we do not feel safe to share our feelings with the people we feel closest to, as we fear their response, judgment, shame, blame, criticism, or anger.
With a trained professional, you are safe to get honest and truthful without fear of being wrong, bad, or judged. You are free to be YOURSELF! Feeling you are in a safe place to let your guard down is a true relief!
To Create a Toolbox for your life.
Very often we are ill equipped to deal with life’s challenges because we haven’t even been taught to. In psychotherapy sessions, you will acquire skills that work for your life, and that you can use immediately.
To See Things From A Fresh and New Perspective.
It can be very difficult to see your own part or responsibility in your very own life dilemma. You are too close to be objective, and therefore you become limited.
When you seek help from a professional therapist you can begin to see things differently. If you are willing to be open to getting a fresh new perspective, then you can open our eyes to see in new and healthier ways, and evolve!
To Create Healthy Relationships.
If you are ready to be in a successful relationship, you will need to identify what that means to you, in order to have one. You will also need to be intimate with yourself first in order to achieve healthy intimacy with someone else.
In psychotherapy sessions, you will learn more about the relationships you have had in the past, and learn and grow from them. You will evolve from the place you are now to the place you want to be.
If You have not had Good Parenting.
If you have not received adequate parenting it is easy to feel deprived, needy, and child-like. If the parenting you received was limited or the quality was poor, psychotherapy can be a very important place to heal the deprivation deep within. It is very often a re-parenting process that can help you to feel more confident and empowered.
If You are in Addictive Behavior.
Self destructive behaviors are another reason to seek professional help. There is use and there is abuse of many everyday vices. Alcohol, drugs, shopping, people pleasing, over working, over stressing, sex, gambling, food, under or over eating, are just a few.
Any one of these behaviors can be used as a way of handling emotions that are challenging to deal with. Addictions can become a way to hide or run away from ourselves and what we are feeling. In psychotherapy sessions, you will begin to deal with the underlying core issues of these behaviors and make long lasting changes!
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Are A People Pleaser.
Maybe you find yourself doing everything that everyone else wants you to, and that is leaving you feeling unhappy, resentful, and unfulfilled. In psychotherapy sessions, you can learn healthy ways of practicing self care. You will discover what you feel, what you need and who you are.
There is a “healthy selfish”, and that is not wrong or bad! We do not need to lose ourselves in order to be loved.
In Order To Get To Know Yourself.
Sometimes we are unhappy in our lives because we really don’t know ourselves very well. Listening to our own instincts and intuition, very often, is not something we are taught how to do.
Once we begin tuning into our own insights, feelings, and thoughts, we can begin taking care of ourselves in new, healthier ways. We can shine more brightly, feel more self confident, and operate at a higher frequency.
If You Don’t Trust Yourself.
In Psychotherapy sessions, you can begin to develop a trusting relationship with yourself by learning more about the lies and myths you are carrying about yourself that may have never been true from the start.
When we begin to get honest with ourselves, we can begin to see ourselves more clearly, and learn to value ourselves more, even if no one else did.
If You are Angry and Rageful.
When anger is controlling your life, it is time to seek professional help. Anger is, many times, a smokescreen for underlying pain. Behind every bully is a scared little boy or girl. Remember the story of the “Wizard of Oz”?
Once Dorothy discovered who the “bullying” wizard was behind the curtain, she saw the truth. He was just an old, bald, very scared and lonely little man. In psychotherapy sessions, you can explore your angry feelings, have a confidential place to vent and release feelings safely.
You can learn healthier more constructive ways to take care of yourself so you don’t have to feel so powerless, misunderstood, and unseen. It is also a rich opportunity to heal deep underlying pain.
To Learn to Let Go.
This is probably the biggest mastery on the planet. Psychotherapy is a place where you can learn to let go. Holding onto anything takes energy, and is costly! Any time we are holding onto anything too tightly, we create a tension or holding pattern that interferes with our lives, and we are ultimately, not free.
It is critical that we all learn how to let go. When we hold onto our past, our wounds, our resentments, suffering, people, our pain, angers, fears, we cannot live peacefully or fully.
To Be Free.
Are you feeling trapped, blocked, jailed, and unable to breathe fully in your body? There is nothing more important than your emotional, physical and spiritual freedom this lifetime. It is an inside job!
One that is critical to value. In Psychotherapy, your personal freedom is paramount, it is the goal! Through confidential and eye opening sessions, you can start to become aware of where you are not yet free and begin to create more choice in your life.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
To Be and Live in Peace.
When your peace is no longer negotiable, you can create a life based on what you choose, and not just tolerate or put up with people, situations, and experiences that do not serve your highest good.
In psychotherapy sessions, you will learn how to let go, forgive, and keep choosing the “penthouse” or the high road when you get an invitation to the “basement” (when you say yes to suffering, being a victim, shaming, blaming, gossiping, being or thinking negatively, criticizing or judging yourself or others).
In Order to Take Charge of Your Life and Be in Choice.
Are you feeling like your life is happening to you and you are not in charge of it? You always have choices as to how you handle every situation. Psychotherapy sessions help you to be in choice, to take responsibility for your life, and to learn to value yourself and the life you’ve been given.
If You are Going Through a Challenging Time.
The only constant in life is change! We will all go through transitions as we age and evolve. Things will continue to shift as we go through our lives. With the help of a trained professional, you can learn to move though each experience with grace, trust, and lessons learned.
It is possible to come out of any life challenge feeling more whole; with more parts of yourself, and with more wisdom for having had that experience.
If You Have Health Problems and the Doctor Cannot Find Any Medical Answers.
It is always important to see a physician to check our health. There are many illnesses that are connected to stress and how we deal with our emotions (anger, fear, and sadness).
There is now evidence to prove that when we are holding onto anything unfinished or unresolved in the body, that that holding pattern puts the body under duress and can cause illness. There is a mind-body connection!
If You Haven’t Been Able to Attract a Partner in Your Life.
Could it be that the truth is that you are afraid of intimacy, really allowing someone to see your heart? Perhaps when you have been in past relationships, you have felt dissatisfied, disappointed, angry, scared, alone, resentful, or in pain.
Maybe you have been repeating the same pattern again and again, and blaming the other person for not fulfilling your needs. Now is the time to start taking responsibility for what you what and challenging yourself to break your self- defeating patterns and manifesting the loving and healthy relationship you desire.
In psychotherapy sessions, you can begin to make the discoveries about yourself that can help you to be in healthy choice and make conscious decisions about the kind of intimacy you want to create and keep in your life.
If You Think Negatively.
Do you find yourself always looking for the other shoe to drop and looking for the black cloud of destruction? This is learned behavior, and so it can be unlearned. It is not in the DNA!
Psychotherapy can help you to evict those negative self-defacing, critical, and destructive voices so you can live from a more highly attuned and positive place. This is a place where you can be expecting to see the beauty and divine gifts in everyday life.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Want to Learn How to be More Accepting.
Those that know the serenity prayer know that it states: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
We all have heard this many times, but to learn to live from this place takes awareness and practice. With psychotherapy, you can begin to develop the consciousness and training it takes to integrate this practice into your cells, so that you can begin to trust the natural flow of life without bracing, contracting or being fearful.
If You Want to Live in More Harmony and Balance.
When we are out of balance with ourselves, we get easily agitated, overwhelmed and frustrated. We can react aggressively, or we can detach from any situation. We then become most unhappy with ourselves. If this is you, it is time to learn ways to turn the pendulum around and create a more harmonious and balanced life.
In psychotherapy sessions you can become more conscious, awake and aware, and make long lasting change that changes your life!
If You Can’t Feel Your Feelings and Feel Numb.
I f you are someone that feels detached from your feelings, and feels dulled, it is time to do your inner work! In psychotherapy sessions, you will discover more about the blocks in your heart, more about how and why they developed.
You can slowly begin to awaken, heal, and open your heart to yourself and others in a safe, trusting, and supportive atmosphere.
If You Want to be More Grateful.
Are you someone that is more focused on what you don’t have and what is not going right in your life? With a trained professional therapist, you can learn to be open to accepting the gifts of the universe, and let go of holding on to the energy of “not enough{ness}”, comparing, fear, and scarcity.
If You Feel Stuck and Without Choice.
We are all programmed in certain ways at the beginning of time, and begin to believe that there is only one way to think, feel and behave. If you feel discontent, and feel there is no way out, there always is! With the help and support of a professional therapist, you can discover options and choices in order to change your life.
If You Feel Depressed.
Depression is a wonderful barometer that gives us information that change is imperative! It sends us an important message to pay attention to the ways you are thinking, feeling, or doing things in your life that are keeping you stuck or unhappy.
Once you can begin to identify and gain some consciousness about your self -defeating patterns and cycles, with the help of a trained professional, you can begin to have choices. It is then that you can begin making the changes necessary to bring more joy and love into your life.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Hate Yourself/Your Life.
If you are stuck in patterns of self hate, it is time to face your inner demons and places where you are in self loathing behavior, and get honest and truthful with yourself. The truth will set you free! The time is now to forgive yourself, let go, and set yourself free.
If You Have Trouble Making Decisions.
When we have never learned to listen to our own instincts and inner voices, we very often do not feel comfortable in our own skin, and with our own self connection.
Through the masterful process of psychotherapy, you can begin to weed out the other voices in your mind, and tease out your own, even if no one ever listened to or valued that voice.
If You Want to Learn to Forgive Yourself and Others.
Forgiveness is never about condoning bad or negative behavior, or making others right. Forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to let go and set yourself free. We cannot live a free and peaceful life when we are holding onto resentments or past wounds.
With the help of a trained psychotherapist you can learn to forgive and let go in order to create health and serenity for your life.
If You are Presently Going Through a Health Challenge.
Health challenges are gifts and lessons given to us to change our lives, not to punish or torture us. When we have health issues, they can become great opportunities to grow and change the way we see our lives, ourselves, the people we have surrounded ourselves with, and to open our hearts.
They are the great tools of expansion if we are willing to stay out of “victim consciousness”. Just one of the many gifts that can evolve from this experience is the mastery of learning to receive help and support from the universe. Angels are everyone if we are open to receiving.
Can you fully allow yourself to be loved, supported, cared for, cherished, and treasured? Most of us are better at giving than receiving. It is imperative that we all learn to master these lessons in order to be balanced, free, and fulfilled. Are you ready to be the student of life and let go of being the victim?
If You are Out of Control with Food.
Food can be used as a drug to help us to deal with emotions that are challenging for us. It can be helpful in times where we are ill equipped to handle our feelings of loneliness, pain, anger, fear.
Food can be used as a tool to help us swallow these feelings and stuff them away. If you are using food to cope with your emotions, then it is time to face these feelings; heal yourself, and learn healthier and more conscious ways to cope with your life.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Want to Make Peace with Your Past.
When we carry around our past, we are not free. The time is now to finish, complete and heal what happened or didn’t happen in your past in order to be present for your life today!
Psychotherapy provides a rich opportunity to assist you in letting go, and completing any unfinished business with yourself and those in your life. It robs you of your precious energy! You deserve to live fully and freely. Holding onto your past is toxic only to you!
If You are Perpetually Afraid, Anxious.
Living a fear based life is exhausting. Consider the energy it takes to avoid people, situations, experiences, and our very own feelings! When we face our fears, we can really LIVE! You are worth it!
If You Want to Create a Different Life than the One You Have.
Change can often bring about fear, but in a very safe and supportive atmosphere with the right teacher or guide, all things are possible! Consider that you CAN make the changes necessary to live a healthier, more successful, and satisfying life!
If You Find Yourself in the Same Self-Defeating Behaviors Again and Again.
Patterns have a way of repeating themselves if we are not watchful of our behavior. If we are willing to be awake and aware and not sleep walk through our lives, we can turn the lights on to examine ourselves, our feelings and our lives.
We can then begin to make conscious choices (not ones based on old programs we are repeating that we learned when we were young) and create the life we desire. We can only do so with our conscious intention.
If You Feel Like a Victim of Life.
There are no victims, only opportunities to grow and learn, if we are willing to be students of life. When we begin to take responsibility for our own feelings and behavior, we can then assume responsibility for ourselves and our lives, without needing to place blame on anyone else. Change can only happen from this place. Owning our own lives!
If You Want to Improve the Relationship You Are In.
Often times, we become complacent in our relationships. It is never a good idea to wait for a crisis to work on a relationship. There is always room to make things more loving, more satisfying, more open, and healthier if we are willing to give it the attention it deserves.
If You Are In a Relationship That is Not Working.
If you find yourself in a relationship that is no longer making you happy, it is time to examine the roots of the issues and identify them with a trained professional. We can stay very stuck, angry, alone, or depressed if we do not address these problems as soon as possible.
It is then that you can begin to make the changes necessary for a possible shift. Do you have the willingness to learn about yourself, your communications patterns, and stay open to loving and being loved from a higher place? Love is not about having to be right, it’s about getting it right.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Are In a Dead End Career.
Your relationship with your career is an important one. If this is dissatisfying to you, and you find yourself unhappy and discontent, it is possible that it is time to evaluate other choices and explore what can make you happy.
The more you get to know yourself, grow your self -confidence and be open to choice, the more options open to you that you never previously could imagine.
If You Have Confusion About Your Sexuality.
Our sexuality is a very important and powerful part of our lives. When we allow ourselves to be open to find out how we really feel and who we really are in our hearts, we can set ourselves free with the truth. Our world can then begin to change in big ways when we are honest and truthful with ourselves.
If You Want To Be Your Own Best Friend.
Often times, we find that we are our own worst enemies. We beat ourselves up, judge, criticize, shame and blame ourselves quite harshly. Now is the time to make peace with yourself and to learn to be gentle, kind and loving with yourself, even if no one else ever was. It is possible to learn to be your own very best friend.
If You Want to Laugh and Play More.
Being light hearted and feeling comfortable to laugh, play and be joyful is quite freeing. If you carry heaviness in your heart, have anger or fear issues, or block your feelings, it is more difficult to be spontaneous and flowing. This can block your natural flow and your energy.
It is an important part of a healthy life to learn to let go, be in the moment, and value being in your heart.
If You Want to Learn How to be More Loving.
There is nothing on this planet more satisfying than being able to love and be loved fully and completely. If this is an area you feel stuck or blocked, psychotherapy can help you to uncover its roots and make the necessary changes to lead a more loving life.
If Your Thinking is Compulsive.
It is imperative that we all learn to weed the garden of our minds. It is never productive to allow our minds to run our lives. If you find your mind is running your life, it is time to take charge and learn to discipline and set boundaries with your mind so that you, and not your compulsive thoughts, run your life.
Running old mind loops are patterns that can be changed with willingness, consciousness, and the right tools.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Want to Shine Your Light More Brightly Into the World.
You can be the change that will change the world. By shining our own lights, we give others the courage to do the same. A candle loses nothing by lighting another. Letting go of fear, and being and loving who we really are, is a freeing and expanding experience.
If You Take Everything Personally.
If you find yourself making everything that happens around you or in your relationships to be about something you did or said that was bad or wrong, this is no way to live. It is important to begin to learn how to let go, and let others be where ever they are, releasing yourself from this overwhelming responsibility.
It is a heavy burden to bear. Self blame and self judgment is behavior that, once addressed, can be a rich opportunity to grow and evolve. It allows you to take yourself off the hook once and for all, and have a healthier relationship with yourself and others.
If You Want to Let Go of Trying to Control Everything.
When we are fearful and untrusting, we can spend a lot of our energy desperately attempting to control anything and anyone that will allow us to do so. This is never a very healthy practice. Firstly, it is not possible, and also it creates negative relationships. Anytime we are in fear, we are not free.
If You Find Yourself Judging Yourself and Others.
When we are constantly in judgment, we find ourselves surrounded in our own negativity. Very often when we have been in environments where we are harshly judged, we learn to treat ourselves, unknowingly, the very same exact way! You now have a choice as to how you want to treat yourself and others.
If Your Heart Feels Broken, Closed and Protected.
In order to have healthy hearts, we need to let them flow freely, love and be loved. When we protect our hearts with walls and gates, and chains, this is not a possibility. The time is now to free your heart and free yourself. Your heart will love you for it!
If You Want to Age Gracefully.
Very often we see elderly people that are impatient, aggressive, and depressed. How do you choose to grow old? When we live our lives fully, accept ourselves, are kind and loving with ourselves, attract loving relationships, we can age with grace, peace, and serenity.
If You Feel Very Needy.
Neediness is an invitation to look within and begin your re-parenting process. It is now your job to fill the empty, unloved, unfulfilled, unseen, and misunderstood places in your heart that are calling out to you. With the support and guidance of a trained professional, you can see, understand, and fulfill your deep need.
Why Would Someone Seek Psychotherapy?
If You Breath Shallowly.
Our breath is our life force, and often is something we take for granted. If you deepen your breath in this moment, you can give yourself an instant attitude adjustment. No medication required! How great and empowering is that?
On the other hand, by holding our breath, we can hold back our feelings, abandon our bodies (self detach), and become frightened, angry or anxious.
Our breath is quite a powerful tool, that when used properly, can help us in our lives in many ways you might not have ever imagined before. Through the breath, we can learn how to stay present, let go, hold on, connect, disconnect, center and ground ourselves.
If you breathe shallowly, you have probably learned this technique in order to cope with feelings in your life. When you release old held patterns of constriction in the body’s cells, your breath will deepen, your life will lengthen, your organs will be happier, and you will feel freer! More space for love! Yummy!
If You Want to Learn How to Pray or Meditate.
It is very difficult to have a relationship with a higher power when we cannot get quiet and are always rushing and busy and in our thinking mind. In order to learn to pray and meditate, we would have to master making following the breath more important than following our thoughts.
Learning a new skill requires self love and practice. Are you worth it? Of course you are! What if your inner peace was no longer negotiable?
If You Feel Jealous of Others.
Is jealousy calling you to do your inside work? The feeling of jealousy lets you know it is time to wake up to creating the life you want. With the help of a skilled psychotherapist, you can begin to focus your intention and energy on expanding your own life and fulfilling yourself.
If You are Unhappy and You Don’t Know Why.
Being unhappy is a rich invitation to examine your life. When you use this experience to grow and learn about yourself, all things are possible. It is not productive to judge this feeling, only to do the work required to listen to its call.
If You Feel Possessive of Your Partner.
When you are interested in possessing and controlling your partner, you are not free. It is a wakeup call to examine your own feelings of self worth. It is important to do the inner work required to uncover the fears underneath this behavior in order to create a healthy and more loving relationship with yourself and with your partner.
If You Want to Feel More Centered and Grounded.
If you live in your thoughts and in your mind you can begin to feel spacey, trip a lot, feel forgetful, and detached. It is time to learn to connect with the support of mother earth beneath you (called grounding), and to your heart (your center). This helps us to feel safe, connected and empowered.
If You Want to Feel More Connected to Your Divine Essence.
We are all divine if we allow our true selves to wake up from their deep slumbers. If you are ready to return from “the hijacking” of your mind, you can feel your true essence and be more authentically alive, free and loving. Your spirit longs for this awakening! That is how you arrived here on the planet.